When the Coordinator needs a little TLC…

We all know that Wedding and Event Planning is an image business. Let’s face it…it can be tough to keep up [with] appearances. And…not every couple plans for an easy-going no-frills wedding where their best friend makes the bouquets out of farmer market flowers, kale, and beach grass (see below). 10675757_10101299401895178_2259670904981449804_n

To make matters worse, as a customer, it’s much harder to trust a professional who is looking a little rough around the edges than to trust one who is well manicured, bright and spunky.  As a consultant, I get to play the part of both the customer and the coordinator. 

To give you a better idea of what I am talking about,  let me take you back 9 and a half months. 

P1120297Yep. I’m a mommy. This is part of the reason I decided to go into business for myself. And it’s been a wonderfully challenging and rewarding journey. But, that is not my point. My point is, everyone has a hard job, and usually more than one hard job fills their time in their daily lives. Whether it’s to be a bride and figure out what details matter the most to help you celebrate the fact that you have found love. Or maybe your day is being a mother, or juggling volunteering commitments, or working for or owning a business. And sometimes all of it at once.  It’s all hard work that we are grateful is done at the end of the day. But then we get up and do it all over again the next day. And some days, we don’t get enough sleep before we need to do it. Maybe we go a little long in between hair cuts, our dresses fit a little tight, or we forget to wear deodorant because we are so darn inspired by the people around us, some of those things just don’t seem to matter as much.

Until they do.

Because sometimes… Mama has 4 voicemails to return from potential clients who want to book in-person interviews or meetings, a permit deadline, baby is pulling your hair out while screaming because he just pooped, and your best clothes don’t fit any more because of breastfeeding …you just need a hair cut and a little color to cheer you up and help you feel special. Then, a moment of clarity. Enter a plea to friends on Facebook for a little help in this department, and suddenly an angel appears from the heavens in the form of a hair stylist you have never met.

Meet Stacy.

Stacy is my angel. Stacy took me on as a client last week at the recommendation of a friend – and did so very last minute at a very busy and upscale salon downtown. Stacy saved my life. She didn’t care that I brought my baby to the salon with me. She didn’t care that I was a few minutes late and had to run around the corner mid-appointment to re-fill the parking meeter. Stacy listened to me. Stacy made me feel at ease. Stacy was my savior for just one day, and helped me to feel and look like a million bucks. BE LIKE STACY.

Better yet, GO SEE STACY.

I don’t need to look as good as my brides do. But I do need to feel as good in order to provide an excellent service to my clients. This is the ultimate basis of my profession’s success. So, just sometimes, I need to ask for help in order to treat myself to something special. And every once in a while, a client will help me accomplish that goal with a gift certificate or thank you card. The gesture goes a very very long way. Trust me. We [coordinators/consultants] spend countless unbilled hours learning about you, your vision, and how to make it a reality. And when she show up – we REALLY show up for you. At least I do – always – but after I have scheduled in a little ME time.

When I do take the time to take care of myself, everything returns to stasis. I look, feel, and smell a little better and my clients trust that I can, in turn, take care of them.

So how can you have an angel save you and make you feel like a million bucks for your special day? (Even if your special day means racing down to the salon on a non-specific Wednesday with you baby on your hip). No judgement – we all have a story.

Find Stacy Here

Published by emilysteadman

Event Planner and Mom

One thought on “When the Coordinator needs a little TLC…

  1. I love this Emily! Every single thing you said resonated with me. I own two businesses, work part time, and am always trying to ensure that I am first and foremost available to my son, my husband, my larger family and friends. Finding time to take care of me is almost impossible without losing out on a new client booking or returning a deliverable late. It’s a very difficult balance and I’m soooo glad you found a little angel along the way. Women and moms unite! It’s the only way to get through the crazy lives we lead. Hugs to you. You are a hard working business woman and mama and you deserve all the angels you can get.


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